​Contact Us: 1-877-BILLS-11​
Community Credit
Counseling Corp.
Non Profit 501(C)(3) Corporation
Contact Community Credit Counseling Corp. now and start to become debt free. You could email us at info@commcredit.org or newclient@commcredit.org. Or if you have an urgent question you may contact the counseling team at 1-877-245-5711. Our counselors are ready to answer your questions. They would be able to provide you guidance, counseling and assistance for your debt management needs. Community Creditor counselors are available weekdays, from 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (EST).
For customer service inquiries please email customerservice@commcredit.org or give us a call at 1-732-845-2880 Option 2 and one of our representatives will gladly assist you.
For billing inquiries or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment arrangement, please email eftdepartment@commcredit.org.
Mailing and Payment address:
Community Credit Counseling Corp.
3455 Route 66
Neptune, NJ 07753-2758
New Inquiries: 1-877-BILLS-11
Customer Service: 1-732-845-2880 option 2
Facsimile: 1-732-845-9022 (New Inquiries and Customer Service)
1-732-845-9757 (EFT Department and Accounting Dept.)
Community Credit Counseling is committed to solving your problems. If you have a question, comment or suggestion,
Email Us
